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weighted blankets for dogs that keep them calm

Weighted Blankets for dogs that Keep them Calm

Weighted blankets have become a common household product for dealing with stress, depression, and insomnia. People with pets also search for ways to keep the pet friends calm and relaxed. These days, we have weighted blankets for dogs as well. So, do the weighted blankets for dogs and other pets work? Based on our experience and our research we have tried to answer all common questions related to weighted blankets for dogs and other pets. We shall also provide our recommended list of weighted blankets for dogs.

What are weighted blankets?

Weighted blankets are made to provide deep pressure therapy (DPT) through their extra weight, the gentle pressure creates a hug like effect and brings a sense of security and calmness. This goes a long way in better sleep cycles, less anxiety, and less restlessness. This may result in improved quality of life and better work productivity.

The weighted blankets are made of exterior fabric and an inner filling. It is the inner filling that provides weight to the blanket. The filling material usually used are micro glass beads, plastic pellets, steel beads or some organic material. The fabric is chosen depending on seasonal, breathability and texture requirements. Check out more details of fabric and inner filling types.

Indications of Anxiety In Dogs

Common indication for anxiety in dogs are following:

  • Chewing household things.
  • Urinating in inappropriate places.
  • Constantly running around and being restless.
  • Repeated barking and howling.
  • Destroying stuff all around.

Anxiety Triggers in Dogs

Some situations can trigger anxiety in dogs, weighted blanket for dogs can be really helpful in such situations. Following are some of the situations that can trigger anxiety:

  • Fireworks
  • Storms
  • Separation
  • Travelling
  • New situations

Are Weighted Blankets good for Dogs? Do weighted blankets help calm the dogs?

Many dogs remain anxious, over aroused, and hyperactive; dog weighted blankets can help This makes dogs bark unnecessarily and they keep running often tearing household things. Sound of thunder, fireworks or traffic sounds may activate such anxiousness in dogs. Such dogs find it very difficult to relax themselves naturally. These anxiety issues if not addressed timely can get worse with time.

Weighted blankets can help make dogs relax and has an overall calming effect on them. This makes dog weighted blankets a good natural choice to decrease anxiety and stress in dogs and make them calm. They work on principle of deep pressure therapy (DPT) which makes dogs feel protected and swaddled. Check out more details

Do weighted blankets help calm the dogs
Do weighted blankets help calm the dogs

Some medications are also available that help in relieving anxiety in dogs, but such drugs can have side effects.

Do weighted blankets for dogs hurt? Are they Safe?

Weighted blankets are generally considered safe for dogs if correct weighted blanket that are specifically designed for dogs are used. You just cannot give your weighted blanket to your dog as it will be too heavy for the dog. It must be noted that the weight of a weighted blanket should not exceed 10% of body weight.

So, a human weighted blanket will always be too heavy for a dog so don’t put your weighted blanket on your dog as it can hurt . Even a child’s weighted blanket will be heavy for smaller dogs. If your dog weigh’s 20 lb., the weighted blanket should not weigh more than 2 Lbs. Extra weight can cause dogs mobility to remain restricted and they will remain uncomfortable.

Do weighted blankets for dogs hurt
Do weighted blankets for dogs hurt

Also, if your dog already has some breathing or skin problem than you must consult your vet before using weighted blanket. For, dogs with breathing issues you should prefer breathable weighted blankets so that even if the dog gets somehow trapped in a blanket he does not suffocate.

Do all Dogs like Weighted blankets?

Some dogs love being comforted or swaddled but some dogs may feel uncomfortable under a blanket as they feel their movement restricted. Such dogs may find more comfort in weighted vests. They work in a similar way as that of a weighted blanket but as they are body fitted they do not restrict body movement and can be useful on the go for dogs.

What if the dog eats weighted blanket beads?

Some dogs love chewing, and they end up chewing the blankets as well. If your dog is of this kind, you should select weighted blanket with nontoxic bead filling. Chewing up toxic beads can result in a medical emergency, so for dogs, only nontoxic filling need to be select. Also bead fillings also can be found of organic materials which further reduces any chances of choking.

Weighted Blankets for Small Dogs

As weighted blankets should not weigh more than 10% of the body weight sometimes it becomes difficult to find the right blanket for smaller dogs. A dog weighing around or less than 20 Lbs. should not be more than 2 Lbs. heavy. We have found following dog blanket perfect for smaller dogs as well as bigger blankets as they in different sizes to suit the weight of the dog.

Best Weighted Blankets for Dogs of all Sizes

We have carefully selected the list of best weighted blankets for dogs, we have genuinely found these blankets helpful to dogs in stress events

Barmy Weighted Blanket for Dogs

Barmy weighted blanket for dog is liked by most of the dogs due to their snuggly comfortable texture and the gentle weight greatly helps to bring calmness and a sense of relaxation. Dogs tend to sleep happily and are less hyperactive when under this weighted blanket.

barmy weighted blanket for dogs
barmy weighted blanket for dogs

Product Details

  • Water resistant inner blanket
  • Washable
  • Suitable in three different sizes according to dog weight.
  • Dimensions 30″ *24″
  • Available in bigger dog sizes as well
  • Soft and comfortable.

LaSyl Minky Weighted Blanket for Dogs

LaSyl minky weighted blanket is very soft and loveable, the minky fabric is extremely luxurious and the starry pattern is super cute.


Product Highlights

  • Available for pets of all sizes.
  • Extremely soft and snuggly.
  • Keeps dogs warm.
  • Machine washable in cold water
  • Suitable for Cats as well.

Nappy Puppy Weighted Dog Blanket for anxious Dogs

This dog weighted blanket is also made from super soft snuggly minky fabric. The dogs have found calmness and relaxation under these blanket. It has micro glass beads as filling material for weight, if your dog chews too much then it can be danger if somehow it ends up chewing those beads by ripping filling cover.

Nappy Puppy Weighted blanket for dogs
Nappy Puppy Weighted blanket for dogs

Product Highlights

  • Warm weighted blanket.
  • Minky fabric which is super soft and comforting.
  • Even glass bead inner filling.(consider chewing habits of dog before using this)
  • Available in all sizes according dog weight.


Weighted blankets for dogs can be used to reduce anxiety in dogs and make them more calm. Dog weighted blankets work on deep pressure therapy through their weight and are found effective in making dogs and other pets calm. We should only seek weighted dog blankets that weigh less than 10% of dog’s weight. Heavier weighted blankets can be hurtful to dogs and they may find their movement restricted . We have shared links of our recommended weighted blankets for dogs which are available in different sizes according to dog weight.

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